Monday, March 3, 2008

Crisis on Definite Earth

Hello Students.

Professor: Here

Mark Twain once said, "everybody complains about the weather but nobody ever does anything about it". How True. Now that we have a more international audience on this speck of blog (thanks Matt), I thought I'd share a bit of strange Roswell weather news. flash back in time to the Pop Culture Conference a few weeks back...the weather was mild and then there was snow. As we drove back to the secret Southwestern Headquarters we hit a lot of snow...all of a sudden, that lasted about 45 miles and then nothing. Strange.

But it does not compare to yesterday in Roswell USA. First, it was about 78 degrees (Fahrenheit) during the day. And then...all of a sudden (typical Roswellian explanation), the wind started to pick up. I mean gusting at unbelievable speeds. I walked outside and saw a giant dust storm encompassing the western part of the city. As I watched in amazement, the wind changed directions and I was coated with dirt like someone had just hit me with a giant brown powder puff!!!

I quickly retreated inside thinking, how the devil did I get here, and patted the dirt off like some weary cowboy just in from wrangling some cattle. Then, the power went off and I was in complete darkness. It was a race against time to see if my lap top's battery could outlast the outage. Infatuated with the wrath of the wind and dust, I decided to go back outside and maybe see if the local Starbucks was also sans-electric and discovered it was snowing. Not just snowing, but a blizzardly mix of directional changing 50 mile per hour winds, giant snowflakes and dirt.

Sometimes I feel like I am on another Planet
Thoughts invade of things I take for granted
As stars break through the snowflakes dusty swell
I'm amazed to think: all's well in Roswell


This morning something new for me. I get out the old snow brush to clear off my car and I find a layer of pure white snow with a thin layer of brown dirt underneath. Kind of an earthly Tiramasu. Hey...its better then Scorpions, giant spiders and snakes!!!



Anonymous said...

All there is to say is "WOW"

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if our government would test the weapons it is developing from the alien technology on...y'know...maybe places outside the U.S.?

Anonymous said...

Uh...yeah. Think its coincidence? Depending on what time of night I manage to drag myself home, I can get held up at the corner of Sunset and Relief Route (see any irony there!?!?) by trucks carting nuclear waste off to some undisclosed location. Add that with missile testing, developing the bomb and alien visits and its not difficult to believe.

Anonymous said...

Well, you're a superhero. What are you waiting for? Load up Sidekick, a few copies of the OED, some Tom Waits CDs, a few bottles of cheap bourbon -- and do something already!

The Professor said...

Hey!!! How do you think we got to be "super"hereos to begin with!!! It's like living in Smallville here!

Anonymous said...

That's scary because it's true.