Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Governarial disease

Hello Students.

Professor: here.

Okay students. Today's discussion is adult in nature and since we are all adults here, please, no giggling. Especially you in the back!

Since all you here today on the news is about the Govewhore of New Whork, I felt the need to vent. You see, The Professor doesn't understand. What is it that makes a governor spend 80,000 on prostitutes? Don't get me wrong, I understand wanting to be with beautiful women and multitudes of them at that. But what I don't get is why spend the cash!?!? I've never been a governor, but I would imagine in that position, you wouldn't have much problem finding good looking women to sleep with. Can't someone in that position get girls on his own? Even without the position of power...if you have 80k to drop on that kind of thing, wouldn't you be able to find some good looking gold diggers out there to have your way with? I'm not trying to be insensitive or too sarcastic, but what a loser.

The other thing The Professor doesn't understend is this. If you are going to enter that two headed transplant called marraige, why wouldn't you just get a divorce once you acheived governor status? Yeah, it would be a scandal, but you don't have to resign if you get a just get bad press. And don't give me the whole "divorce is wrong" angle. Cheating on your spouse is wrong too!!!

I've got the same beef with atheletes. If you are gonna make 150 million over 8 years and you want to sleep around, get out the marraige, give up millions to the ex, and do whatever the heck you want. Jeez!!!

As for me, I'm gonna stick to the legal type. You know, going on dates, buying dinner, buying tickets to shows, presents...the traditional way.



Anonymous said...

Maybe he's one of the weirdos who gets off on paying for it.

Check out:

Pretty entertaining reading right there.

Personally I don't see what the big deal is and why people get so upset. His wife is an old haggard skank. Better he spends the $80k on a hooker than spend it putting a hit on Mrs. Governor.

Anonymous said...

In re: your rant on people in power spending money on beautiful women

Well, I guess we could use Bill Clinton as a yardstick for all this. Based on his track record, I am not sure it is as easy as you are making it out to be. Plus, paying and playing nice evidently buys you some loyalty. Not to mention the illegality of the affair helps keep people silent. Who wants to spoil a good (read "profitable") gig?

Disclaimer: All puns in this post are unintentional.