Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hello Students

Professor: here.

Many of you ask..."Professor, what are you doing to keep yourself so busy these days?" As if fighting crime and teaching (sometimes the same thing) isn't enough to rule out much of a social life, I figured I'd share with you a new endeavor.

The craziness of theatre has rutured to the Professor's life. For those who know me, you know I teach acting and direct theatrical performances from an undisclosed location somewhere deep in the desert of New Mexico. Well, this time I have teamed up with a long time crime fighting pal to put up GODSPELL, the musical. Last November I directed DOUBT: A Parable. Some of you thought it ironic for someone with my religous backround to be doing a show that's setting was a catholic church, so being involved with GODSPELL, basically a musical about the book of Matthew should either be no surprise or a bigger one.

For this show I will be serving as Assistant Director. Now I know what you are thinking: demotion!?!? Not really. I just thought that since I have never been involved in a musical in any capacity (except for some shows where we had live music, and of course playing music myself), this would be a really good way to get to see first hand how it's done. It will be directed by Dallas Jeffers-Pollei and the musical director is Crystal Jeffers, both of whom have tons of theatre, music and musical theatre experience.

It will be a great show and I recommend everyone coming to see it. It goes up April 10-13 at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell. For those of you who have come out for our shows before, hopefully you have seen them get better and better. This will be no different. It will be the best we have done.

So there you have it. So when the Professor signal goes off and I am nowhere to be found until mid-april, you'll know where to find the theatre!!!


1 comment:

DocBender said...

What do you mean "undisclosed location"; it says "Roswell New Mexico" right under "The Professor"! That's like listing your secret lair in the yellow pages!!

But I am looking forward to the production of "Godspell." I've never seen it (in fact I don't think I've ever seen any musical theater). It will be interesting to see how Mr. Jeffers-Pollei (if that is his REAL name) channels his schizophrenic anger issues.