Monday, February 25, 2008

Back in the saddle

Hello Students.

Professor: Here

So, first let me apologize for my recent absense. When last we met, I was on my way to Albuquerque for the Pop Culture Conference. We had a really good time there and met some fantastic folks from Manchester, England. I spent most of my time hanging out with them and wishing I lived in the UK. But then it was time to go back to Roswell USA and so I did.

For the last week or so, I have been trying to catch up with work. No fun. I have also started on two projects: Laundry Reclamation Project (LRP) and Office Organization Ordeal (OOO my goodness!!!). I don't know about you, but for some reason The Professor has a lot of clothing. I mean like tons. Some of it is more recent and some goes way back to The Professor's childhood days. Also, my secret headquarters...not so big. My plan is to organize all of the clothing and donate the stuff that is so old there is no way I'll ever fit into it again (or stylistically, there's just no way). My main problem so far is that I have a small stackable washer dryer and I am a large man. So, it takes a good amount of time to get a very little bit of it done. Add to it the amount of clothing that needs to be washed for my weekly wardrobe and it seems impossible.

The OOO project is going a bit smoother. The office itself was reorganized by my workstudy earlier the semester, but everything still needs a once over to be filed in the proper place. The biggest headache is the computer. I have thousands upon thousands of files that need organization. Up until now I have relied on my super memory to locate things when I need them, but I have reached my storage capacity and now can not remember anything new. So, my plan is to organize, clear my memory of all of that info and start anew.

Besides that, lots of other stuff going on, but more about that later.



Anonymous said...

There's Spring cleaning, and then there's Spring cleaning, "The Professor"-style. You put us all to shame.

Anonymous said...

I am a fantastic person from Manchester, England and, while I could not ever really claim a desire to live in Roswell, NM in return, I did also have a blast. Cheers matey!

p.s. does this count as cyber stalking?

The Professor said...

No...not cyber-stalking...just a bit surprising! Thanks for checking out the blog. Hope to talk to ya soon!