Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Writers Unite!!!

Hello Students.

Professor: here.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the big writer's strike (cool you-tube explanation) going on out there in Hollywood. Typically, I wouldn't think about it at all, but, since there is absolutely nothing good on the tele, I have been forced to think during my tube time (which I really resent because The Professor does not like having to think...especially at home). The thing that surprises me the most are the late night talk shows. I'm sorry, but weren't all of these morons comedians to begin with. Surely they wrote their own stuff before they were famous. You know, when people thought they were funny? I'll tell you, The Colbert Report seems to be getting along just fine without the writers. I don't think the show has missed a beat. But some of the others...give me a break!!!

But, that is not why I have brought you here today. No, today I have come to realize that I am more involved with this strike then I ever imagined (and you might be too). As a writer and a teacher of writing, I have decided that as a show of solidarity with my fellow underpaid writers out in LaLa Land, that I too should be on strike. Yes, The Professor is now on strike. I will not be writing anymore (except for my blog and whenever inspiration strikes of course). And students, I think it is time you took a stand too! No more writing. Yes, I will still give my students assignments and I will fail them for not completing them, but sometimes you just have to stand up and do the right thing. Failing a class is such a small price to pay in the big picture. The Hollywood guys aren't getting a paycheck for heck's sake!

And I know what you're thinking. Wait...if all the students stop writing, what will all of the writing teachers do? Well, that's part of the beauty of the strike. We will do our part by not grading any papers. We will spend the hundreds of hours we devote to writing to other endeavours. I'm thinking...lots of ways of spending all that free money. Probably multiple trips to the Starbucks. There's definitely a couple of "projects" we can work on until it is all over. And, when it all is over, preferably sometime in May, we will all take our 3 month vacations.

So remember students, you're not doing this for yourself. You're not doing it so that writing teachers can get paid for sitting on their duffs. You are doing this for the sake of the poor, unfortunate Hollywood writers who do not make millions of dollars a year and have to settle on $300,000-500,000 homes and not the 5 million dollar homes the stars scrape by with.

Be strong. Be vigilant. Be stagnant.

By the way, The Professor's house:



Anonymous said... don't want to grade papers? That's what I am getting...If your on strike I guess you don't want to sign your contract.

The Professor said...

Contract? You wanna talk about contracts!?!?!?

Unknown said...

I am totally with you! I am going to stop writing as of rig

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea, but I think we should put our efforts into a 'rithmetic strike, what with tax season looming on the horizon and all.


[Heh, my word verification word is "iouid". A pleasure tax?]