Monday, March 17, 2008

Word of the day

Hello Students.

Professor: Here.

Recently, I was speaking with my brother about the etymology of some interesting words and I remembered how interesting words and their origins can be. I was reading Hamlet again this weekend and came across the famous lines:

Lord Polonius: What do you read, my lord?

Hamlet: Words, words, words.

Lord Polonius: What is the matter, my lord?

Hamlet: Between who?

Lord Polonius: I mean, the matter that you read, my lord.

(Hamlet II, ii, 191-195)

"Words,words words" When you think about it, that's all we really have.
So...with that in mind I thought I would start a new feature on the

Today's word is: INVEIGLE.
Know it already? Good for you.

Inveigle is defined as "to win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk"

I don't mean to inveigle you my dear; I just find you to be the apotheosis of beauty and intelligence.

Watching her inveigle the crowd with her silver tongue was inspiring.

It comes from the Middle English envegle, alteration of Old French aveugler, to blind, from aveugle, blind, from Vulgar Latin aboculus: Latin ab-, away from + Latin oculus, eye.

So there you have it. Your assignment is to use it three times every day this week!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Governarial disease

Hello Students.

Professor: here.

Okay students. Today's discussion is adult in nature and since we are all adults here, please, no giggling. Especially you in the back!

Since all you here today on the news is about the Govewhore of New Whork, I felt the need to vent. You see, The Professor doesn't understand. What is it that makes a governor spend 80,000 on prostitutes? Don't get me wrong, I understand wanting to be with beautiful women and multitudes of them at that. But what I don't get is why spend the cash!?!? I've never been a governor, but I would imagine in that position, you wouldn't have much problem finding good looking women to sleep with. Can't someone in that position get girls on his own? Even without the position of power...if you have 80k to drop on that kind of thing, wouldn't you be able to find some good looking gold diggers out there to have your way with? I'm not trying to be insensitive or too sarcastic, but what a loser.

The other thing The Professor doesn't understend is this. If you are going to enter that two headed transplant called marraige, why wouldn't you just get a divorce once you acheived governor status? Yeah, it would be a scandal, but you don't have to resign if you get a just get bad press. And don't give me the whole "divorce is wrong" angle. Cheating on your spouse is wrong too!!!

I've got the same beef with atheletes. If you are gonna make 150 million over 8 years and you want to sleep around, get out the marraige, give up millions to the ex, and do whatever the heck you want. Jeez!!!

As for me, I'm gonna stick to the legal type. You know, going on dates, buying dinner, buying tickets to shows, presents...the traditional way.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Crisis on Definite Earth

Hello Students.

Professor: Here

Mark Twain once said, "everybody complains about the weather but nobody ever does anything about it". How True. Now that we have a more international audience on this speck of blog (thanks Matt), I thought I'd share a bit of strange Roswell weather news. flash back in time to the Pop Culture Conference a few weeks back...the weather was mild and then there was snow. As we drove back to the secret Southwestern Headquarters we hit a lot of snow...all of a sudden, that lasted about 45 miles and then nothing. Strange.

But it does not compare to yesterday in Roswell USA. First, it was about 78 degrees (Fahrenheit) during the day. And then...all of a sudden (typical Roswellian explanation), the wind started to pick up. I mean gusting at unbelievable speeds. I walked outside and saw a giant dust storm encompassing the western part of the city. As I watched in amazement, the wind changed directions and I was coated with dirt like someone had just hit me with a giant brown powder puff!!!

I quickly retreated inside thinking, how the devil did I get here, and patted the dirt off like some weary cowboy just in from wrangling some cattle. Then, the power went off and I was in complete darkness. It was a race against time to see if my lap top's battery could outlast the outage. Infatuated with the wrath of the wind and dust, I decided to go back outside and maybe see if the local Starbucks was also sans-electric and discovered it was snowing. Not just snowing, but a blizzardly mix of directional changing 50 mile per hour winds, giant snowflakes and dirt.

Sometimes I feel like I am on another Planet
Thoughts invade of things I take for granted
As stars break through the snowflakes dusty swell
I'm amazed to think: all's well in Roswell


This morning something new for me. I get out the old snow brush to clear off my car and I find a layer of pure white snow with a thin layer of brown dirt underneath. Kind of an earthly Tiramasu. Hey...its better then Scorpions, giant spiders and snakes!!!
