Friday, January 25, 2008


Hello Students,

Professor here. Many of you have been asking me, why don't you update your blog anymore? Well, I have no good reason. And for that same no good reason, I have decided to start a new blog for those so inclined to read what I have to say. So welcome to The Professor Says... a blog for the new millinea. We have a lot to talk about....

With the upcoming overhaul to the site, many of you have been asking me what happened to some of the articles I have written in the past. So I thought I would reprint a few of them here and give you news of upcoming things and of course some random rants that won't appear on the new site. But...important...when we launch the new site...GO THERE!!! I will not be posting anything new here that will also appear there and all of the good stuff will be there!!!

Anyway...before I forget, please visit Not only is she a good friend of mine and a wonderful person, but she is just about the most talented singer you're gonna find. And...hopefully soon I will be in her band.

Well...lots more to say, but I'll save it for later. Here's an oldy but goodie from Komikazee:

The Professor's New Years Resolutions from 2007!

The Professor’s New Year’s resolutions.

So here we are. 2007. Wow! Who’d of thunk we’d get this far?

I was sitting back the other day sipping at my café breve and thought about what I should do this year. I am typically not one for resolutions and all that that implies, but I figured I better make some if I plan on being the best darn super-hero I can be. So what follows is a short list of resolutions for The Professor.

First, to keep my “secret identity” a secret, I need to change one of my names. As you may have guessed, The Professor is my Christian born name. It is getting increasingly difficult to keep the bad guys at bay whilst I am so easy to find. I’m thinking of changing my real name to Donald. What do you think? Oh wait…I guess I can’t tell you what I am changing it to. That kind of defeats the purpose. Ok…take my word on it then; I will change my name and not tell you what it is. Here’s a hint though…it won’t be Donald.

Next, I think I need a sidekick. I know it is kind of clichéd in the super hero world to have one, and I guess need is a strong word, but I think it would be really really cool to have one. I thought about asking our resident “Sidekick”, but he’s just way too smart and I think it would be kind of strange to end up “Sidekick’s” sidekick. Then, my name might as well be Donald. Then again, sidekicks often are smarter than their matched up hero. Ok…I gotta think some more about this side kick thing. Maybe I’ll just get a dog.

Sidekick or not, I need a hideout. Nothing fancy like a satellite or a cave. I don’t want one of those, you push a button and your house transforms to a crime lab. No, I was thinking of maybe a bungalow in the tropics or a small apartment in Ireland. Maybe a time share? Any heroes out there with an interest in buying a timeshare? That’s how the super-friends did it…seemed to work for them.

Next up, I need gadgets. Not having any real super powers can be quite a drag. Not having any real skills is even worse. Some of us just are not lucky enough to have been bitten by something radioactive or have been born on a planet that was destroyed and sent to a planet whose sun gives you super powers, or had special ops training and then watch your family get brutally murdered. No, some of us just live normal lives and want to save the world. I’m thinking some kind of gizmo that attaches to my chest which allows me to drain the intelligence from anyone I shoot, leaving them a drooling idiot and me…super genius. Or, possibly some kind of Philosophy ray which renders the victim in an endless loop of consideration about why we are here and if there is a here at all. I’d kind of like a flying jet pack, but I guess that would be ridiculous…professors don’t fly!!

Another resolution is to find me an arch enemy. Originally, I thought plagiarism was my arch enemy, but I have since been told by a very knowing British friend of mine that although plagiarism is illegal, it can not be an enemy in the same way say, Braniac or the Joker could be. This might be a problem. I know there are plenty of people out there who don’t like me, but I don’t know if it is enough to count as an arch-enemy. I’ll keep working on that.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. If I had to make one more resolution, it would have to be to finish the other columns I have started writing for Komikazee. I think that’s one I can definitely keep!

So, from somewhere hidden in the southwest desert, this is the professor, wishing you the best for 2007!


Unknown said...

Good to see you back, bro', and looking forward to your...ah...unique view on things!

Especially the rants.


[hmmm...need to alter my gmail profile, I guess...]

Ed said...

Great to see you blogging again. Looking forward to the new Komikazee.

The Professor said...

Thanks Guys...Glad to be back.

Timeroler said...
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Timeroler said...

OMG.. its writing agian.. get the pitchforks .....

Stephanie_75 said...

Very Nice Professor, I am looking forward to reading more.....I really like this side of you. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to see it.